Month: February 2017

Week 3: SQL, Graphing, Analysis

Week 3: SQL, Graphing, Analysis

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Hey there! Thanks to some highly productive sessions of work, I am a whole week ahead on my research schedule.

I planned on spending two weeks (last week and this week) on completing all of the database manipulation and graphing of the data I had collected for analysis, most likely due to my unfamiliarity with the topic. However, things ended up going much smoother than I had anticipated, and I created 24 graphs that depict the various relationships within my data.

I started off by first transferring all of the data from my simple spreadsheet into a local database using PostgreSQL and pgAdmin.

pgAdmin4 Dashboard

I then transferred all of my data from the spreadsheet into a basic CSV (Comma-Separated Value) file, which I could then copy into my database.

From there, I wrote a simple script that would extract the data I needed for each different graph. Essentially, I needed to graph data on every value returned by the API against the measures of success (MV Views, Music Show Wins, Downloads). There were 8 different API values I used, meaning that I ended up with 24 total graphs.

Acousticness - MV
Example Graph: Acousticness vs. MV Views

Unfortunately, I was disappointed to find that the Rvalues for my graphs were fairly low, meaning that the data didn’t closely match the trend lines I found. This prevents me from making precise predictions about the different values in terms of success, but I can still identify general trends and patterns.

Aside from my research, at my internship, things have continued nicely, and I’m still working on the projects I was assigned. I’m really grateful for the SQL I learned, and how I was able to use it to streamline the process and manipulating all my data and graphing it.

For the upcoming week, I plan on starting to work on typing up my method and results section for my paper. I also would like to perform additional analysis on the graphs I drew.


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Week 4: What the Heck Does My Data Mean

Having finished collecting surveys, I am left with a very large excel document with over 1800 data points in total in addition to qualitative answers. I have complied the answers to the Moral Foundation Questionnaire and made two graphs and a chart with my data on it that will be presented in my paper. Now the next questions I need to answer:

-What does my data mean?
-What are “normal” data points for each level of chaos?
-What data went wrong?
-What limitations did I work with?
-How and why is my outcome different from my prediction? Is this alright or not? Why?
-Possible sources of error

This road map will then lead to my next destinations of analysis of my data and conclusion. All with 2 and a half weeks before my rough draft is due.

-Rafael Jeffery

Third Week Update

At my internship, I learned a bit more about the connections that HFHT had with outside organizations (mostly non-profit). I learned that Bank of America gives HFHT a large grant to be able to help the homeowners with financial literacy and other educational classes. This is really important and significant for my project and I’m glad that it exists so I can use it as proof for my side of the argument that there IS a connection between low-income housing and education and how it IS a positive impact. I also now have a list of other affordable housing sources other than HFHT that I can use to compare and highlight Habitat’s uniqueness in my paper.

I have completed my abstract and I’m now working on finishing up my introduction. The goal for next week would be to complete my introduction and begin on either my method or lit review (tweak things and fix it from what I had before). For plans at my internship I will be looking into the grant that BOA gives to HFHT as well as other connections with academic organizations / groups. I am still struggling to organize the data, I have put that off for now and worked on everything else. That is the biggest complication I have at the moment.

– Christina

Tiffany’s 2nd Update

Hello everyone!

I’m sorry that this update post is a week late. Anyways, for the last week, I have been reading more into my specific method (turn-taking method) and the guidelines it entails. Now what I have found is that there are a lot of notations that I have to learn before I can go about implementing this method with my project. Below is a table describing all of the possible variables that I have to talk account of and record when I implement my method.screen-shot-2017-02-23-at-2-44-27-pm

I have been currently working out all of the details and reading sources about the turn-taking method as well as writing my literature review.

Have a nice day!
